Sunday, October 1, 2023

Create dot net core project through Dotnet CLI

 We are going to create following project structure through PowerShell script. where we are using purely dotnet cli commands

You can create new file and name as "createProject.ps1" and copy following script into that file. then open powershell window and execute "createProject.ps1" file.

Refer following script

Write-Host "About to Create the directory" -ForegroundColor Green

mkdir Reactivities

cd Reactivities

Write-Host "About to create the solution and projects" -ForegroundColor Green

dotnet new sln

dotnet new webapi -n API

dotnet new classlib -n Application

dotnet new classlib -n Domain

dotnet new classlib -n Persistence

Write-Host "Adding projects to the solution" -ForegroundColor Green

dotnet sln add API/API.csproj

dotnet sln add Application/Application.csproj

dotnet sln add Domain/Domain.csproj

dotnet sln add Persistence/Persistence.csproj

Write-Host "Adding project references" -ForegroundColor Green

cd API

dotnet add reference ../Application/Application.csproj

cd ../Application

dotnet add reference ../Domain/Domain.csproj

dotnet add reference ../Persistence/Persistence.csproj

cd ../Persistence

dotnet add reference ../Domain/Domain.csproj

cd ..

Write-Host "Executing dotnet restore" -ForegroundColor Green

dotnet restore

Write-Host "Finished!" -ForegroundColor Green

It will create folder structure as below 

If you open solution file in Visual studio, you can see project structure as below: