You can use following query to find out table used in Stored procedures similar to sp_depends.
Sp_depends helps us to provide information where sql object in referred in Views, stored procedure.
sp_depends is not available in sql azure but following query will provide similar functionality.
replace <Table name> with your actual table name which you want to search
Happy Coding !!
Sp_depends helps us to provide information where sql object in referred in Views, stored procedure.
sp_depends is not available in sql azure but following query will provide similar functionality.
SELECT ReferencingObjectType = o1.type,
ReferencingObject = SCHEMA_NAME(o1.schema_id)+'.',
ReferencedObject = SCHEMA_NAME(o2.schema_id)+'.'+ed.referenced_entity_name,
ReferencedObjectType = o2.type
FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed
INNER JOIN sys.objects o1
ON ed.referencing_id = o1.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.objects o2
ON ed.referenced_id = o2.object_id
WHERE o1.type in ('P','TR','V', 'TF') and ed.referenced_entity_name like '<Table Name>'
ORDER BY ReferencingObjectType, ReferencingObject
replace <Table name> with your actual table name which you want to search
Happy Coding !!