Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maintain Scroll position in div Asp.Net

This javascript is useful for maintaining scroll position in Panel or div tag...
Write following javascript function inside js file and add script reference to this file on page Or write following javascript on the same page inside script tag, it is called as inline javascript.

Following code in Script Tag....
window.onload = function(){
var strCook = document.cookie;
var intS = strCook.indexOf("!~");
var intE = strCook.indexOf("~!");
var strPos = strCook.substring(intS+2,intE);
document.getElementById("divTest").scrollTop = strPos;
function SetDivPosition(){
var intY = document.getElementById("divTest").scrollTop;
document.title = intY;
document.cookie = "yPos=!~" + intY + "~!";

Following code in body

You need to call SetDivPosition() javascript function on div's onscroll event
< div id="divTest" width:150px;height:200px;overflow:auto" onscroll="SetDivPosition()">
--Gridview (or more data)
This way you can maintain the scroll position.

Happy Coding!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

checkbox in listbox

Sometimes we require a list of checkbox. How can we achieve this in
1. Add div on your page. Set some height and width to div so it will be fixed in height and width and will look appropriately on the web page.
Set overflow:auto so if your list is increasing it will give you scrollbar.
< div style="BORDER: thin solid; OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100px; HEIGHT: 100px">
< /div>
2. Insert CheckBoxList control inside div.
< div style="BORDER: thin solid; OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100px; HEIGHT: 100px">
< asp:checkboxlist id="CheckBoxList1" runat="server">
This way you can get a checkboxlist effect.

Happy Coding!!